50 Successful Harvard Application Essays by The Harvard CrimsonThis book gives us 50 compelling college essays.
- 50 Successful University of California Application Essays by Gen Tanabe and Kelly Tanabe
Here you can read 50 example essays and a detailed analysis of each. - A Is For Admission by Michele A. Hernandez, EdD
A Is For Admission gives all the information about who gets in and why, from the prospective of a former Ivy League Admissions Officer. It demystifies the admissions process. This is a must read and a favorite of mine. - The College Finder by Steven R. Antonoff, Ph. D.Here you can find hundreds of lists of colleges in every category such as academics, cost, and student life. This book will help you find colleges that are a good match for you. It also addresses many of the myths that surround colleges.
- 50 Successful Ivy League Application Essays by Gen Tanabe and Kelly TanabeThis book gives you 50 essay examples accompanied by a detailed analysis. Essay advice is offered from college admission officers as well as the mistakes to avoid.
- Book of Majors 2016 by the College BoardIn this newly revised edition, you will find a complete guide to college majors, which colleges offer the majors you are interested in, and career possibilities. The research is comprehensive as 3800 colleges are researched, along with approximately 1200 majors.
- Colleges that Change Lives: 40 Schools That Will Change The Way You Think About CollegesBy Lauren Pope
This book takes a closer look at the benefits of the smaller liberal arts and sciences colleges and universities. - Fiske Guide to Colleges by Edward B. Fiske, former Education Editor of the New York Times
This book contains extensive write-ups on more than 300 colleges and universities. - The Insider’s Guide to the Colleges compiled and edited by the Staff of the Yale Daily News
This book features student reviews of more than 300 institutions. - The Hidden Ivies by Howard Greene, M.A., M.Ed. and Matthew Greene, PhD
This book takes a close look at 40 well respected academic institutions - How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay by Gen and Kelly Tanabe
Read 30 winning essays that received substantial scholarships plus those that failed. - The Ultimate Scholarship Book 2016 by Gen and Kelly Tanabe – An essential list of scholarships, grants and prizes providing billions of dollars in awards plus advice on how to achieve them.
- Peterson’s Scholarships, Grants and Prizes 2016 by Peterson’s Staff – Information on private corporation, organization, and foundation awards available for college students and all that is necessary to apply for them
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