If you are “looking for a college counselor near me”, you may be frustrated by the lack of choices or the possibility that there may not be any within driving distance of your home. Helping Hand College Guidance has
The Los Angeles college counselors at Helping Hand College Guidance are proud of the college placements for both their freshman college students and transfer students. We have also successfully assisted many international students applying to colleges in the United States,
How to be Smart!
Pam Ohriner – Phone: (310) 733-8433
The widespread use of social media among both high school and college students has provided students a myriad of opportunities. These websites include Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn, and Instagram, with
I was proctoring an SAT exam recently at Hamilton High School in Los Angeles when a news article posted on the classroom wall caught my eye. It was a Los Angeles Times article titled “GPA Can Be Contagious among High
Today I attended the annual UC Counselor Conference for 2013 at UCLA where a wealth of information was presented. It was confirmed that the UC system continues to be highly competitive and selective. Here are some of the other highlights
College Application Process
It is not too late for high school juniors (class of 2014) to have a successful junior year and maximize their college application process for the coming year.
Here are 6 valuable tips to make the most